Peter P. Rainer, MD PhD
Peter studied Medicine in Graz, Austria and Florence, Italy and received his MD in 2006. After that, he trained in Salzburg and Graz, Austria and conducted a multi-year postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, USA. Peter received a PhD from the Medical University of Graz and is currently Associate Professor and attending physician at the Division of Cardiology.
Research Portal
Viktoria Trummer-Herbst, BSc MSc
Viktoria works as a biomedical assistant and with long time of experience in the basic research labs of the Division of Cardiology.
Maria Pöttler, BSc MSc PhD
Maria works as a researcher with a long time of experience in translational research.
Theresa Glantschnig, MD
Theresa is a part-time Cardiology fellow and MD PhD student. Her interests are coronary heart disease and inflammation.
Johannes Schmid, MD PhD
Johannes is a fellow at the Department of Radiology with his research interest in cardiovascular imaging and cardiac biomarkers.
Cara Lavinia Shirin Rech, MD MA MSc
Lavinia conducts her MD PhD thesis in the CardioScience lab. She investigates myocardial remodeling in preclinical models focusing on the multicellular inflammatory stress response to ischemia.
Verena Maria Stangl, MD
Verena is a fellow at the Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology and conducts her MD PhD studies jointly at the Division of Cardiology. Her focus is cardiac immunopathology.
Nishani Mabotuwana, BBiomedSc BBiomedSc(Hons)
Nishani is a dual PhD student of the University of Newcastle and the CardioScience lab. Her research interest is the identification of novel regenerative proteins for heart failure treatment.
Sean Hardy, BBioTech BBioTech(Hons)
Sean is a dual PhD student of the University of Newcastle and the CardioScience lab. His research focuses on cardiac extracellular matrix remodelling.
Phuong Phan, MD MSc
Phuong is an MD PhD student in the CardioScience Lab. Her focus is on inflammatory processes in the early and late stages of heart failure.
Michael Schrempf, MSc
Michael has a Master in Data and Information Science and conducts his doctoral thesis on secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases harnessing machine learning using digitalized health data.
Florian Kaufmann
Florian is a student working in the CardioScience team focusing on our tissue and blood biobank.
Katharina Reichel
Katharina is a student working in the CardioScience team focusing on our tissue and blood biobank.
Klaus Camml
Klaus works together with Johannes Schmid on new imaging derived biomarkers in predicting outcome after TAVI (e.g. novel cMR strain analyses).
Valentin Walter Zsilavecz
Valentin studies medicine and conducts his thesis in the CardioScience team. He is interested in the cardiovascular outcome of COVID-19 patients.
Soraya Azizbaig Mohajer
Soraya studies medicine and conducts her thesis in the CardioScience team phenotyping patients with high-grade aortic stenosis undergoing catheter-based valve implantation.
Philipp Reinhard Rössler
Philipp studies medicine and conducts his thesis in the CardioScience team focusing on myocarditis and storage diseases.
Lena Alexandra Kienzl
Lena is a medical student and conducts her thesis in the CardioScience team focusing on cardiotoxicity associated with novel malignant melanoma therapies.
Join the lab
If you are interested in joining the lab please apply with a resume and a brief letter of motivation to
Marie Sophie Huber, MD
Uwe Primessnigg, MD
Sandra Harenkamp, MD
Dominik Hatz, MD
Saskia Fiona Firla, MD
Christopher Schneider, MD
Lisa Mitterer, MSc Bsc
Eva Thon-Gutschi, MSc
Michael Kasa, MD